Browsing Department of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science by Title
Now showing items 101-120 of 122
Populationsanalyse vom Afghanischen Windhund
(2012)Die Aufgabe dieser Arbeit bestand darin, anhand von relevanten Informationen eine Population des Afghanischen Windhundes zu beschreiben. Für die Studie stand eine Datenbank zur Verfügung, die Daten von mehr als 190.000 ... -
Populationsgenetische Untersuchung der Milchleistung einer serbischen Milchviehpopulation und ihr mögliches Entwicklungspotenzial
(2015)The aim of this study was to investigate the phenotypic and genotypic evolution of the milk production of a Serbian Holstein Friesian population, also in the aspect of possible future tendencies. The study is based on ... -
Possible economic effects of crossbreeding of Norwegian Red and Holstein-Friesian
(2012)This analysis exclusively evaluates the production profit and the expenses that come together with the production. Having a Holstein cow will lead to a total average yearly loss of € 396.57 compared to a NRF cow. If you ... -
The prevalence of ocular and auditory abnormalities in Merle dogs : review of literature
(2014)Merle pattern coats in dogs has been described from centuries in many breeds of domestic dog. Until recently the reason some dogs were born with this unique and beautiful pattern was a mystery. In fact it was not until ... -
Probiotikum tartalmú takarmánykiegészítők hatásának vizsgálata lovakon
(2011)Munkám során két, a gyakorlatban is használt probiotikum (a dolgozatban PB és PBS jelöléssel) készítmény hatékonyságát értékeltük egy adott lóállományban. A PB termék csak baktériumtörzseket és „bio-mos” nevű prebiotikumot, ... -
Rágcsálók napi ritmusa és befolyásolásának lehetőségei
(2009)Ismert, hogy a fény és az etetés a napi ritmust befolyásoló, elsődleges környezeti kulcsinger (zeitgeber). Jelen munkában a különböző környezetgazdagítási eszközöknek és a mókuskeréknek a dzserbil napi ritmusára gyakorolt ... -
The relationship between coat colours and genetic disorders with emphasis on the Great Dane canine breed
(2014)Large breeds like the Great Dane are known to be predisposed to diseases like Hip dysplasia, Gastric dilational volvulus, and Dilated cardiomyopathy, which are associated with high veterinary costs, sudden death and low ... -
Review of the Norwegian Landrace Pig
(2010)The earliest proof of the domesticated swine in Norway dates back to 1500-1400 B.C. The Norwegian landrace is the oldest and most important pig breed in Norway. And todays landrace originates from these domesticated tame ... -
The role of dietary protein in the predation rate of the domestic cat (Felis domesticus) across urban and rural landscapes
(2012)The domestic cat (Felis domesticus) is an introduced or alien species to Ireland. Examinations of the domestic cat and its impacts on Irish fauna have been relatively scarce to date. A survey was conducted on the predation ... -
Rumination activity and its alteration in ill cows
(2010)This study is investigating the rumination activity and its alteration in ill cows, was performed by Efrat Gingis, in the framework of thesis writing for DVM academic degree. There is a well-proven two-way relationship ... -
Study of the skull and horn geometry of the Hungarian racka sheep breed
(2014)At the start of this research, our aim was to gather information that enabled us to make comparisons between the Hungarian Racka that are alive today and their ancestors. The importance of this breed throughout history and ... -
The success of the Hannovarian Horse breed from the 17. Century till 2010
(2011)The Hannovarian is one of the most successful horse breeds in the world. The breeding system is a positive example for many other breeding organisations. This Thesis analyse the development of the Hannovarian and the Success ... -
A survey about sexual linked behavior problems in cats
(2014)Physiological sexual linked behavior traits can make cats hard to keep as household pets. Aggression and marking behavior can be normal breeding behavior of the male cat. And some female cats show signs of aggression during ... -
A szarvasmarhák oltógyomor-helyzetváltozásának jellegzetességei és okai
(2011)Az elmúlt évtizedekben sok szakirodalmi adat gyűlt össze a témával kapcsolatban, azonban ma is sok kérdés megválaszolatlan maradt. A dolgozat célja, egy hazai tejelő tehenészeti telep példáján, nyomon követni és adott ... -
A szárazonállás alatti Ca-ellátás hatása a nehéz ellés és a magzatburok-visszamaradás előfordulásának gyakoriságára tejelő tehenekben
(2012)A szárazonálló tehén Ca-ellátásával kapcsolatban jelenleg érvényes szakmai álláspont szerint az ellési bénulás megelőzése érdekében két dolog javasolható. Az egyik a fejadag Ca-tartalmának a szárazonállás utolsó két hetében ... -
A szerb hegyi tarka marha fajtaátalakító keresztezésének szaporodásbiológiai következményei
(2011)Munkánk során hét szerb szarvasmarhatartó telepen vizsgáltuk a hegyi tarka x holstein-fríz keresztezett, illetve a szerb tarka és holstein-fríz genotípusú állományok reprodukciós mu-tatóit. Az első ellési hányadot az üszők ... -
Unique trotter: The Norvegian coldblooded horse
(2010)The Norwegian coldblooded trotter is a unique horse. This type of trotter can only be found in the Scandinavian countries and is the only heavy type of trotter in the world. Today the Norwegian and Swedish horse is considered ... -
The use of vegetarian cat food critical review
(2009)The main aim of this thesis work was to introduce the use of vegetarian food for cats and to review the pros and cons of that use, since cats are strict carnivores which evolved to consume an all meat diet. Vegetarianism ... -
The Waldviertel Blond - An Autochthonous Austrian cattle breed and its genetic characterisation
(2009)The aim of our work was to examine the Austrian autochthone breed Waldviertel Blond Cattle on the basis of mitochondrial DNA. The founder sampling was used to increase the representation of sample on the level of mitochondrial ...