Browsing Department of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science by Title
Now showing items 39-58 of 122
A fácántápok fehérjetartalma csökkenthetőségének vizsgálata
(2010)A hazai fácánállomány fenntartásában nagy szerepe van az évente kibocsátott madarak számának és minőségének, melyet nagymértékben befolyásol az intenzív fácántartó telepek tenyésztési, tartási és takarmányozási technológiája. ... -
Feline Diabetes Mellitus : Literature review and prevalance study in city Niort (France)
(2009)Diabetes mellitus is the second most commun endocrinological disease of cats. Eighty to 95% of cats may be affected by the later ailment. The compensated stage involves peripheral insulin resistance and consequent ... -
Fleischleistungsfähigkeit von alten ungarischen Rassen im Vergleich zu dem deutschen Fleischmerino
(2012)An der Studie haben sechs unterschiedliche Rassen teilgenommen, so dass wir die Fleischleistungen von alten ungarischen Rassen mit denen des Deutschen Fleischmerinos vergleichen konnten. Hierzu gehören die beiden ... -
A fogolyszínű magyar és a fehér erdélyi kopasznyakú tyúk hústermelőképességének vizsgálata eltérő hizlalási körülmények között
(2009)A régi magyar baromfifajták hazánk mezőgazdaságának rejtett tartalékai. Vizsgálatunkban e fajták közül kettő (a fogolyszínű magyar tyúk és a fehér erdélyi kopasznyakú tyúk) termelési tulajdonságainak bővebb, az eddigi ... -
Food-toxicological judgement of heavy metal content in the muscle of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
(2014)The aim of this study was to investigate the concentrations of the elements Arsenic, Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Lead and Zinc in the muscle tissue of Roe deer. The 18 samples were taken ... -
Genetic basis of bovine milk production in Bavaria : Review of literature
(2011)Wie kaum ein anderer Zweig in der Lebensmittelbranche ist die Milchindustrie rund um den Globus ein wichtiger Teil jeder nationalen Wirtschaft. Obwohl das Ziel, höhere Leistungen, sowohl quantitativ, als auch qualitativ, ... -
Genetic disorders of horses : a critical review
(2011)There are more than 5000 genetic diseases of humans and from 1990 to 2003, the Human Genome Project changed the world of genetics forever by mapping the human genome. The Horse Genome Project, a result of the Human Genome ... -
Genetic endangerment and sustainability of French draft horses
(2014)This work presents the nine breeds of draft horses that find their origin in France. Most of them have evolved from indigenous horses found in the different regions of France and are often well adapted to the particular ... -
Genetics and markers of navicular disease in warmblood sport horses
(2014)The aim of the study was to do a review of the studies regarding the genetic background of navicular disease in sports horses. Navicular disease is a common locomotor disorder in horses with a polygenetic background and ... -
Genetics and phenotypes of Chondrodysplasia (Achondroplasia) across domestic animal species
(2015)This diploma work is dedicated to the condition of disproportionate dwarfism in animals called chondrodysplasia, the genetics behind it and the phenotypic appearance of the animals suffering from it. I have shortly described ... -
Genetics of canine elbow dysplasia
(2014)The goal of this paper is to review several research papers, journals and books based on my topic with an objective to obtain information to support the belief that ED is in fact a genetic disease and to outline measures ... -
Genetics of endocrine diseases in Miniature Schnauzer : (Review of literature)
(2014)I have studied general endocrinology in several textbooks, read scientific papers and studies done on genetics on its own and in connection with endocrinology, I have also looked at books, and the English kennel club ... -
Genetics of healing and molecular therapy of equine tendon injuries : Review of literature
(2011)Wound healing is a complex process often followed by scar tissue. New research has shed light on a possibility for healing without scar formation. By investigating strains of mice with regenerative abilities researchers ... -
Genomics and clinical aspects of arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in Boxer dogs
(2015)“Why is Arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy such a complicated disease and how is it connected to the human version? What is the genetical background and how can it be used to control its propagation in the boxer ... -
The German Sporthorse
(2015)Objective of the thesis was the presentation of a newly introduced horse breed called German Sporthorse. The great breed diversity in Germany decreased in the late fifties due to intensive exchange of mainly sires beyond ... -
Génmegőrzés az állattenyésztésben
(2013)Many mammal and poultry species have become endangered or reached the edge of extinction. Due to the rapid increase of the population large quantities of food products have to be produced. This may only be achieved by ... -
Hagyományos és bio tehenészeti telepek takarmányozásának és termelésének összehasonlító elemzése
(2013)I have visited two dairy cow farms of Holstein-friesian cattle in the”Gyulai Agrár” Ltd. and in the „Kőrös-Maros Biofarm”in the springtime of 2012. During my visits, I have got the opportunity to examine the keeping and ... -
Health status of selected canine brachycephalic breeds : (Review of literature)
(2014)The brachycephalic skull conformation, lead to increased risks of disease in the three selected breeds. The English Bulldogs and the Pugs with pronounced exaggerated features seem to be the most affected. Predisposed ... -
Hiperpolimorf mikroszatellita-polimorfizmusok vizsgálata vadászkutyákban
(2009)A kutyák örökletes eredetű betegségei egyre nagyobb arányban mutatkoznak világszerte, aminek egyik nyilvánvaló oka a beltenyésztettség. Ezért egyre nagyobb igény mutatkozik a kutyapopulációk populációgenetikai vizsgálataira, ... -
Histiocytic sarcoma as a breed specific disease in the Flat-coated retriever
(2011)The Flat-coated retriever is a small breed of dogs as far as numbers are concerned, and developed in England in the mid 1800s when the need for a retrieving breed became evident. It is believed to be a mix of several other ...